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Plymouth Foster Carer Dinner and Dance.

December 17, 2021

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Plymouth City Council really values their foster carers and this year wanted to have an appreciation Dinner and Dance to show how much they are truly thought about. A lovely evening was had on the 26th November where we entertained over 80 guests. 

Our hosts for the evening were Plymouth Argyle Football Club who provided a fabulous setting and lovely food. Plymouth Lord Mayor, Councillor Terrie Beer presented flowers and spoke about Plymouth Foster Carers who have continuously supported caring for Plymouth children and young people and for some carers this was well over 25 years. Many stories were shared that spoke to the commitment, tenacity, love and humour provided by these wonderful carers to so many Plymouth children and young people.  

We have carers who have supported children from babies into adulthood, have shown long term commitment and became long term foster carers, supported children to return home to the care of their families, and carers who have welcomed children in emergencies and provided a home whilst the longer-term care plan was being thought about. We thanked carers for their energy and commitment in organising social events for children in our care and for the social committee. We thanked carers for taking time to support Foster for Plymouth marketing at the recent Seafood festival where great fun was had by all.

We are really proud of our foster carers and all that they do for Plymouth children and young people –  we really did want to share a big thank you to everybody who supports Plymouth children and young people who cannot live with their birth family and who need that safe care and support provided by foster parents. You are all amazing.

Could you join our foster carers in Plymouth and provide nurturing care and a foster home?  Give the team a call on 01752 808762. We would love to talk to you.

All at Foster for Plymouth

Fostering for Plymouth